This is the charm of her Taurus. In a world filled with temporary decisions, rapid change and different circumstances, he appeared as a liberator. Physically, women taurus usually quite slender, with a square facial structure, and high cheek bones, adorned with beautiful eyes, not too big but it look soft with heavy eyelids, so it sounded like 'prickly sleep'. Her eyes are round glow of intelligence and curiosity. Taurus woman is generally funny and fun, carriage full of confidence, coupled with his full certainty, making it seem very sensual when associated with sexual problems. If you notice more details, Taurus women have a fairly short neck and full, but small nose. His ears were small and pretty, stick to the side of the head. Her mouth is quite wide have shapely lips and very expressive. While her hair is a self-image is very notable. Because her hair was in good shape, jet black, and dense. Moreover, such a peak formed on his forehead that cut his forehead in two, he often just cover it with a fringe or tassel. Another feature of the Taurus woman can you recognize the body shape that is rounded hips, broad back, well-shaped breasts upright and fairly large.
Attitude towards Friends
Women who love the beauty of this smart to create friendship. She would sit for hours while listening to stories and all sorts of problems you. However, if you only need sympathy, he will give you what you expect. But if he's really interested and feel that there are ways to help, then he will try to help no matter how difficult the problem you experienced it. He's the kind of woman who is always ready to face people with a variety of anxiety and tension, and could easily make them come back into relaxing. Even so, to friends he could be so possessive, and will position ourselves as your advisor. He will strive to convince you that he knows how to find the key to a happy life for you. And you also know, 99% who say it is true. You'll know when to know further, that the Taurus is a person who does not like to rely on small matters. This woman berpembawaan quiet, calm, and have some sort of powerful logic engine. This framing him in every effort to achieve goals. She's very tenacious, but not like the changes. But if you're not careful, you may accidentally lie on it, you do not have time to wait for his anger. Provided you know, this woman could be so angry if you do not keep their promises or lying to him. And his emotions will subside only when there is an acceptable excuse minds.
Attitude towards Friends
Women who love the beauty of this smart to create friendship. She would sit for hours while listening to stories and all sorts of problems you. However, if you only need sympathy, he will give you what you expect. But if he's really interested and feel that there are ways to help, then he will try to help no matter how difficult the problem you experienced it. He's the kind of woman who is always ready to face people with a variety of anxiety and tension, and could easily make them come back into relaxing. Even so, to friends he could be so possessive, and will position ourselves as your advisor. He will strive to convince you that he knows how to find the key to a happy life for you. And you also know, 99% who say it is true. You'll know when to know further, that the Taurus is a person who does not like to rely on small matters. This woman berpembawaan quiet, calm, and have some sort of powerful logic engine. This framing him in every effort to achieve goals. She's very tenacious, but not like the changes. But if you're not careful, you may accidentally lie on it, you do not have time to wait for his anger. Provided you know, this woman could be so angry if you do not keep their promises or lying to him. And his emotions will subside only when there is an acceptable excuse minds.

Not Like miserably
The Taurus woman's privilege, he did not have the so-called weapons of women. In any circumstances, no tricks, no view of pleading and tears. She was a woman one hundred percent, but with the way his own thoughts. Many women who pembawaannya Taurus very much against the kind of spoiled women, although sometimes his attitude seemed spoiled the people she loved. Because he was always able to manage and cope with his personal life as well as others well. Maybe you also need to know, he usually likes the expensive stuff but strong. Weird. He was able to control myself to not have that kind of way, but anyway if circumstances permit, he will fill her closet with expensive clothes, a durable good. Even if by chance he was not born in the abundance of wealth, he will save in order to have what he wants. Especially when the goods were colored pink, the color of cherry fruit, light yellow or light blue. What about in terms of perfume? he liked the smell is the smell of fresh, natural, and scented flowers / fruit. This woman is quite very concerned about cleanliness. No wonder when you see him so happily enjoy the natural aroma after a rain, fresh and clean.
Nature Lovers
If you want to know where this kind woman likes to hide himself, go to the gallery, particularly the store of contemporary works. He's happy to enjoy games that are used in explosive colors and deep impression on the painting. Sculpture causes attraction to him. If not, you can see him as a good lawyer. He will be very focused to work until he has a reason to stop projects they handle. However women with zodiac is not suitable for administration. He tends to slow, although always work completely and want to be perfect. Managing agricultural land or plantation will also be pleasing to her, probably because he likes to nature. He has a great talent for working in the banking world since the Taurus woman was destined to have double smell when dealing with money. Interestingly, anywhere and anytime, you will see this woman involved in activities relating to the matter of art. It could be all day he has worked hard to drudge, but creatively night he still spends time with paint. Collection is also a favorite book, in addition to classical music. Clearly a woman with this zodiac hate rushing. This is reflected in the way she walks, not a waste of time, but relax and enjoy life as it is. He was living life according to the current round of life. For Taurus woman, money is not the most important factor in life. He thinks that money is a way to get a decent life. He felt more satisfied when served its purpose than to live amid the luxury and beautiful clothes.

Do not Ever Make It Angry
Something you can not ignore, the feelings of love for this woman is something that lasts a long time and not easily forgotten. When her partner had felt tired to succeed, give up the condition and ready to quit to fight for love, this woman never felt tired because he was classified as a woman who faithfully and consistently toward commitment, in other words taurus woman is the most loyal partner in living a relationship. Dependence in total, that is the nature and he never deviated from that belief. She is a woman who firmly in the establishment and have strong principles in holding the commitment. He is a patient man, but always need new things to attract attention. He has patience with what he wants to do and will never give up until he managed to achieve it. As an object of love, you were like as a new reading yesterday's news. will always be things that interested him. However, if it reached his anger arises, you should forget it all. Because her feelings have turned into cold, frozen, and he did not want to give a second chance for you. In short, you have to get out of his life without any chance to improve themselves. If he is angry, he would not show it, and will internalize it alone for a long time, and will remember them one by one with a sharp. If he's really angry at you, he will be a totally unfamiliar to you. That is its nature, simple and want purity.

Romance Women's Taurus
If you like women a lot of thinking about love and romance, then you choose the wrong girl. You never could keep him at home, he likes to work and do not like working in the house. Love is head, but there is freedom in his soul. He has his own ideas about love and afraid to show the deepest feelings for fear of rejection. He is not the type who likes to talk about love, but he has a special way to show how much love to you through the little things, like preparing your needs or pamper yourself with very carefully. He is not good show when he fell in love, but if he loves you, he will truly be honest with you, more honest than other women. He will be honest to their loved ones, but at that moment he looked as if away. You will have a good relationship with him, if you give freedom, let him go with his friends if he did want. He will be very different from most girls, and she thinks that is different is one of her uniqueness. He is a public figure, but not owned by anyone. He is not going along with you if he thinks you are not sincere and can accept it as is. Love her, but do not be outrageous because he feared that it would limit its independence. He was always striking dikeramaian because of something he used to 'challenge' you. He will always remember her first love, he does not care about what others think about him, but he thinks that everything should be done for "Happiness". He has many friends who fit and he is confident with his own ability, then you will very often see him stop to think before doing something. If you keep your distance from him, or go for a few days, he will ignore you more. He will never disappoint you or hide behind you to embarrass you, but he was the type who will say what it is to you when things are not pleased with her wishes. If he think about something, he will immediately do so. He has many fans who are ready to propose to her, because of the challenge on him which is always changing. He can be a sweet and funny, but then becomes cold and hard. There is no subtle or ephemeral in terms of taste and feelings. This is not aggressive, but certainty is right. Also, because women zodiac has a basic honesty and sincerity as a man, who fills his life with integrity and meaning. To be sure, the Taurus woman is very open to ideas and thoughts about nature. You'll get a warm welcome when asked to walk in the wild. He likes a guy who has a strong character, simple but looks smart, but not the character that rivals him. If you are a politician who was looking for a wife, he would be very suitable, because he is intelligent and can get along well with various levels of society. He is also not the jealous type, because he should know thoroughly before accepting you in her life. He has a greater curiosity about life than just asked to ask you if you are now flirting with other people. And manly men in the middle of nature is that interested him.